Using Technologies to create a Platform for Peace: these online LIVE discussions with Jewish and Muslim religious leaders, activists, and peacebuilders are designed to promote interfaith dialogue.

A WJC Cadet organizes for peace: Jewish-Muslim interfaith dialogue

The event's goal was to emphasize the important role young people play in Jewish-Muslim dialogue, discuss the disruptive nature of social media as a tool to fuel tensions amongst the youths, and examine the role of religion in combating antisemitism. The LIVE, moderated by Lika Torikashvili, brought together Jewish and Muslim religious leaders and peace activists. 
Together with Ramiz Bakhtiar, Former Youth Delegate of Afghanistan to the United Nations, Randall Friend, Jewish Communal Professional, WJC, Diplomatic Corps, Imam Abdullah Antepli, professor at Duke University, Rabbi Michael Cohen, professor at  Bennington College,  and the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Torikashvili discussed how peace can become a reality, and what young people are doing to localize peace efforts.

Under the framework of SDG16 and Interfaith Dialogue

The role of young people in peace and conflict resolution processes has been undervalued around the world, yet youth and children are disproportionately affected by violent conflicts. SGD16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institution sets reducing violence globally and protecting children from violence as key targets.

We think that young people are the leaders to play a productive role in building conditions for peace at the grassroots and local levels.